Benefits of Bluetooth Hybrid Solar PCU

Solar PCU diagram

What are the Benefits of Bluetooth Hybrid Solar PCU? Bluetooth is a wireless technology that monitors inverters/UPS/Home UPS/ Solar Hybrid PCU. They offer several advantages over simple Inverters/UPS. In this Solar Hybrid PCU model, we have the provision for monitoring Solar parameters like Sharing of charging through the Solar and Grid, Solar Power Wattage coming from the Solar panels and being used for charging or running the load. What’s the load running? Where the solar PCU is running on Grid, Battery or Solar mode. We can do many settings from this unit through the Bluetooth-based mobile application like UPS/WUPS mode, Battery type selection, Reserve battery mode, Select the charging current, ATC etc.
Ease of installation: Bluetooth-enabled inverters can be installed without the need for any special changes, as Su-vastika has launched its various models, which have the option of Bluetooth converter to be used with normal battery Inverter/UPS/ Hybrid PCU as they have the USB port at the back to have this compatibility.

In Su-vastika models, we can convert the normal model to Bluetooth-based products, and the provision is kept for the same in a few of our models. One such model is Pure Sinewave UPS with ATC.

For the Pure Sinewave UPS with ATC, please go to the app store and download the Smart-UPS Suvastika app from IOS or Android phones.

Remote monitoring: With Bluetooth, you can monitor your inverter/UPS from anywhere worldwide, as long as you have an internet connection. This is ideal for homeowners who want to keep an eye on the power situation at home or office and can also be installed for Energy Storage Systems systems while they’re away. The competitive model like this is Growatt make
Real-time data: Bluetooth-enabled inverters can provide real-time data on your Inverter/UPS system performance. This data can be used to optimize your system’s performance and troubleshoot any problems. Real-Time data monitoring through Bluetooth application

Digital warranty can be monitored through Bluetooth and WiFi-based mobile applications or the direct PC, which is loaded with our patented software.

Digital Warranty in Heavy Duty UPS

Digital Warranty in Heavy Duty UPS

A lot of settable parameters, and it’s two-way communication.
Bluetooth has many major advantages; let us discuss them in detail.
The monitoring of parameters like Voltage and frequency while the Inverter/UPS is working on the Mains Power. In case of low or high Voltage, one can have the data recorded for the high and low voltages.
If a very low or high voltage occurs, it switches to the battery mode, also seen on the screen with the warning and audio signal.

Input Voltage is high

The input Voltage is high. h

Input voltage is Low

Input voltage is Lo.w.

The charging percentage of the battery can be seen, and it even creates data which can be stored for how much time takes to charge the battery.
The battery charged status one can see.

Battery 100% Charged

Battery 100% Charge.d

The power used to charge the battery can be seen on the screen, and the total energy used can be calculated through the system to know how much the power bill has increased for charging the battery, which is impossible in the common Inverter/UPS/ Energy Storage system.

Power Used to charge the battery

Power Used to charge the battery

In case of Overload happening on the Mains mode or a short circuit occurs while the Mains power is coming, that also is shown on the screen, and an alert is created for MCB down. All the alerts are kept in memory for future analytics for the service engineer to do analytics about the power usage profile of the customer.

Overload or Mains MCB trip on mains mode

Overload or Mains MCB trip on mains mode

Since this is two-way communication in our Inverter/UPS, we have a lot of settings in the Mains mode, especially in our Pure Sinewave with ATC model Users can select the charging profile according to the size of the battery one can choose smaller to the bigger battery.

Also, the user can select the type of battery, like Tubular SMF or Lithium battery, shown on the Mains screen.

Battery Type settings

Battery Type settings

Users can choose the voltage range they want their Inverter/UPS to work. Our Pure Sinewave model with ATC has the feature of selecting Wide UPS and UPS mode, which has the voltage range selection of 90-280V and 180-265 Volts for using different kind of load conditions so that if the user want to run computers and IT loads he can choose the mode 180-26V which keeps the IT load safe and the switching is also high-speed to not to have any break in power outages and the load keep working smoothly. This is UPS mode.
The other mode is Wide UPS mode which a user staying in low voltage areas can use for running the load even if the Voltage is very low, like 90 Volts, so that battery is not used as these areas also have a lot of power cuts.

Range of Input Voltage settings

Range of Input Voltage settings

ATC Automatic Temperature Compensation can be seen on the screen when the temperature changes, which gives the user the advantage of ATC one can see on the net that the temperature increases, the boost voltage decreases, and the temperature reduction will increase the boost voltage so that user understands that the Boost voltage increase means it will take more time to charge in the winters and will give you proper back up in winters compare to other competitive product range where the backup time reduces in winters as they don’t have ATC called Automatic temperature compensation feature available with them which is a must for Tubular and SMF battery back up time and reduces the water topping in the tubular battery minimum 30%.Real-Time data monitoring through Bluetooth application.

When switched on to the battery mode, many parameters of battery mode can be seen.
Like Load percentage, which helps the user know how much more load he can use or reduce the load if it’s above 100%.
Battery voltage gives the user an idea of how much time it can work as it keeps reducing over some time in the battery mode.
Front Switch, which can be used as an on/off switch as well as reset switch
The Overload with the audio warning This feature helps the user to reduce the load as this warning is repeated at least four times where the user gets enough time to reduce the load rather than shutting the UPS in the first warning, which is the case with other competitive products available in the market.
Short ckt warning and Sort Circuit Shut down are essential features that can be controlled through the mobile phone application rather than going near the UPS. This gives the warning along with the audio alert, and the user can reset the UPS by resetting through the mobile application itself.
Low battery warning & Low Battery Shut down is also an important feature which can be seen on the mobile app. One can see the battery low happening and can use the battery reserve feature to get more backup time even if the battery low has happened.
The settings’ battery type selection feature allows the user to use this feature to select different types of batteries at the kind of installation of UPS. One can install Tubular, SMF or lithium battery by selecting through the selection button, and the front screen changes the image of the battery so that the user is sure which battery he has used. This automatically adjusts the charging profile of the battery depending on the battery type selection. This is a great feature for users to select a battery according to their budget or choice.

The Battery Size Selection settings parameter is also a unique feature which the user can use to select the battery size while installing the Pure Sinewave UPS. This feature allows the user to choose the smaller battery in case he requires less backup time or can install a bigger battery in case his requirement is for a longer backup time. In the case of installing the Lithium battery, the same feature can be used to charge the lithium battery with a small or fast charger.

Battery Charging Amp. Setting as per battery rating.

Battery Charging Amp. Setting as per battery rating.

Battery Reserve or Low Voltage Disconnect for battery setting is an essential feature in this Pure Sinewave UPS with ATC which helps the user set the Low battery voltage to 4 conditions, reserving the battery capacity accordingly. If the user selects the 10% reserve, then the user can use this much backup in case of emergency. The reserve backup feature also increases the battery life because the user can reduce and increase the battery’s DOD through the mobile application settings.

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  1. […] So in the first scenario we are showing that  the grid is not available and the solar energy is available and battery is being charged through the solar and load is also running on the solar. We have to understand that if the load is lesser than solar energy than only battery will be charged in this case. So the solar energy is flowing through the battery while charging and discharging the battery simultaneously as the solar power is always connected through the battery only in case of the Hybrid Solar PCU. […]

  2. […] as the solar power is always connected through the battery only in case of the Hybrid Solar PCU. This is another scenario where the battery got fully charged and solar power is also available than […]

  3. […] The Battery Size Selection settings parameter is also a unique feature which the user can use to select the battery size while installing the Pure Sinewave UPS. This feature allows the user to choose the smaller battery in case he requires less backup time or can install a bigger battery in case his requirement is for a longer backup time. In the case of installing the Lithium battery, the same feature can be used to charge the lithium battery with a small or fast charger. […]

  4. […] set the Wide UPS and UPS mode through the phone app rather than looking for the switches in the back for the settings, and it’s very cumbersome. Once the setting is done, on the mobile app, one can see the settings done in the app as in the Voltage window W or N appears, which means the W means wideUPS setting and N means Narrow window settings means UPS mode selected. The mobile application in our Pure Sinewave UPS makes the price of Pure Sinewave UPS compared to the price of a UPS computer make it an attractive proposition. […]

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